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Alumni / Former lab members of Andreas Herz

Platzhalter maleProf. Dr. Armin Bahl

Diploma student

Continued as Phd student, GSN/MPI of Neurobiology

Current position:
Emmy-Noether Group, University of Konstanz

Jan BendaProf. Dr. Jan Benda

PhD student (1998-2002)

Continued as PostDoc with L. Maler and A. Longtin, Ottawa

Bernstein Award 2007

Current position: Full Professor for Neuroethology
Institute for Neurobiology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Alice BoitDr. Alice Boit

Master student (2002)

Current position:  Scientific coordinator
Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling, University of Potsdam



Daniel Cremers

Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers

PhD student (1998-1999)

Continued on to Computer Science (PhD Mannheim, PostDoc UCLA/Princeton, Professor Bonn)

Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award 2016

Current position: Professor for Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer Vision Group, Faculty of Informatics, Technical University of Munich

   Dr. Giorgio Colangelo          Platzhalter male

   Resarch student 

   Continued as PhD student Barcelona




Felix CreutzigProf. Dr. Felix Creutzig

PhD student (2003-2007)

Continued as Climate Change Economist

Current position: Group leader "Land use, infrastructures, and transport", Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Sustainability Economics of Human Settlements Group, TU Berlin


Dora CsordasDr. Dora Csordas

PhD student (2017-2020)

Current position: Quantitative Model Developer
Morgan Stanley



Oscar Despard

Oscar Despard

Research student (2023)

Continued as Bachelor Student, Cambridge University




 Platzhalter maleDr. Fredrik Edin

 Research student

  Continued as PhD student, KTH Stockholm

  Current position: Senior Data Scientist Previsio AB




Irina Erchova

Dr. Irina Erchova

PostDoc (2001-2003)

Current position: Research Associate
School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University



topCaroline FischerDr. Caroline Fischer

PhD (2019)

Current position: Software Consultant
TNG Technology





 Platzhalter male  Dr. Hugo G. Eyherabide

  Research student (2002-2003)

  Continued as PhD student, Bariloche, Argentina

  Current position: Software developer for genetic data analysis, Finland



Platzhalter maleDr. Samuel Glauser

PhD student

Continued as Catastrophe Modeling Specialist, Zürich

Current position:
Lead Data Scientist, Axpo Group


Tim GollischProf. Dr. Tim Gollisch

PhD student (2000-2004)

Continued as PostDoc (Harvard University)
Research Group Leader (MPI for Neurobiology, München-Martinsried)

Current position: Full Professor
Sensory Processing in the Retina
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Göttingen


Robert GütigProf. Dr. Robert Gütig


Continued as PostDoc, Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine

Current position: Full Professor for Mathematical Modeling of Neural Learning,
NeuroCure, Charité Berlin


Stefan Häusler  Dr. Stefan Häusler

  PostDoc (2014 - 2023)

  Current position: Scientific Project Manager
  Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)



Richard KempterProf. Dr. Richard Kempter

PostDoc (2001)

Emmy Noether scholar, ITB Berlin (2002-2008)

Continued as Junior Research Group Leader, Institute for Theoretical Biology, HU Berlin

Current position: Full Professor for Theoretical Neuroscience,
Institute for Theoretical Biology (ITB), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Christoph KirstProf. Dr. Christoph Kirst


Continued as Independent fellow
Center for Studies in Physics and Biology, The Rockefeller University, New York

Current position:
Professor UCSF


Carleen KlugerDr. Carleen Kluger

Master student (2009-2011)

Continued as PhD student at Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology

PostDoc Biophysics and Molecular Materials
Chair of Applied Physics, Biophysics and Molecular Materials, LMU Munich

Current position:
Research scientist Bioinformatics, Evotec


Platzhalter female   Olga Kolesnikova

   Research student





Irina KopysovaIrina Kopysova

Current position: CNRS Research Engineer
Institut NeuroPSI, Gif-sur-Yvette




Platzhalter female  Dr. Franziska Kümpfbeck

  PhD student (2019)





 Chris KymnChris Kymn

 Master student (2020)

 Current position: PhD student
UC Berkeley, Berkeley Neuroscience, Helen Wills Institute




topChristian MachensProf. Dr. Christian Machens

PhD student

Continued as Postdoctoral fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Current position: Principal Investigator
Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Lisbon


Karin MartiniDr. Karin Martini, née Fisch

PhD student

Continued as Software Project Leader / Scrum Product Owner, QIAGEN GmbH




Alexander MathisProf. Dr. Alexander Mathis

PhD student

Continued as PostDoc
Murthy Lab, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

Current position:
Assistant Professor for Computational Neuroscience and AI, EPFL


Viola MattenViola Matten

Master student (2021)

Current postion:
PhD student, German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders




Franziska MatthäusProf. Dr. Franziska Matthäus

Student (1998-2000)

Continued as PhD student
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM), Warshaw

Current position: Full Professor for Bioinformatics
FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Pablo MonteagudoPablo Monteagudo

Master student

Continued as PhD student

Current position: Bioinformatic Scienctist
Flomics, Barcelona, Spain




Platzhalter maleDr. Roland Müller

PhD student

Current position: Siemens AG




Johannes Nagele

topDr. Johannes Nagele

PhD student (2019)

Current position:
Alexander Thamm, Data Science, Beratung & Entwicklung




Johannes NehrkornDr. Johannes Nehrkorn

PhD student (2011-2014)

Continued as Data Scientist, ProSiebenSat.1 Digital GmbH

Current position: Consultant, Siemens Management Consulting, München



Tim OppermannDr. Tim Oppermann

PhD student

Current position: Pfenning, Meining & Partner mbB, Berlin and Munich




 Platzhalter male Dinu Patirniche

  PhD student





Ute Paul Ute Paul

Research student (1999)

Current position: SYNSPIKE, TIZ Darmstadt




Michaela PothDr. Michaela Poth, née Pröll

PhD student (2020)

Current position: PostDoc in Digital Twin Modeling for Bioprocessing, Roche




Eric ReifensteinDr. Eric Reifenstein

PhD student

Current position: Computational neurophysiology group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




Raphael Ritz

Dr. Raphael Ritz


Continued as Scientific Officer, The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)

Current position: Head of Data Division
Max-Planck Computing and Data Facility, Garching



Platzhalter maleProf. Dr. Ariel Rokem

Research student at HU Berlin (2002-2003)

Continued as Data scientist, UC Berkeley

Current position:
Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Department of Psychology


Ines SamengoProf. Dr. Inés Samengo

Postdoctoral Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the Institute for Theoretical Biology (2003)

Continued as an Independent Researcher in Conicet and as a Professor in Instituto Balseiro

Current position:
Statistical and Interdisciplinary Physics Group (FiEstIn), Instituto Balseiro - Bariloche - Argentina


Roland SchaetteDr. Roland Schaette

Diploma student (2001-2003)

Continued as PhD student Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Current position:
The Ear Institute, Institutional Research Information, Service, UCL, London



Cornelia Schirmer 2

Cornelia Schirmer

Research student (2023)

Continued as Master student, GSN, LMU Munich




 Prof. Dr. Susanne SchreiberProf. Dr. Susanne Schreiber

PhD student

Continued as Junior professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bernstein Award 2008

Current position: Full professor 
Computational neurophysiology group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Hartmut SchützeDr. Hartmut Schütze

Postdoc (1999-2001, 2003-2004)

Continued as PostDoc, Krieger Mind Brain Institute of the John Hopkins University in Baltimore

Current position: Institute for Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research
Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg


Vilim StihDr. Vilim Štih

Master student (2015)

Current position: Machine Learning Engineer, Vara



Alvaro TejeroDr. Alvaro Tejero

LMU Research fellow 2019

Current position:
Leader of the Machine Learning, Science Colaboratory, University of Tübingen



Bartosz TelenczukDr. Bartosz Telenczuk

PhD student

Continued as PostDoc in the Computational Neuroscience group of Prof. Alain Desrexhe

Topic: Bridging the scales of neuronal organisation: from spikes to EEG
Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience

Current position: Freelance data scientist

Sebastian WatzlProf. Sebastian Watzl

Diploma student

Continued as PhD student in Philosophy, New York University and Postdoc, Harvard's Mind-Brain-Behavior Interfaculty Initiative

Current position: Associate Professor
UiO: CSMN - Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo

Laurenz WiskottProf. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott

Research associate, Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie at the Humboldt-University Berlin (1999-2000)

Continued as Junior research group leader, Institute for Theoretical Biology

Current position: Full professor for Theory of Neural Systems
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Platzhalter male  Alexander Wolf

  Diploma student





Johannes ZirkelbachDr. Johannes Zirkelbach

Master student

Current position: PostDoc
CALA Centre for Advanced Laser Applications